A little something for someone

No, I don’t go in for New Year’s resolutions – asking for trouble! In terms of inviting disappointment and making extra opportunities to beat oneself up, that is.

But I can’t deny there’s something about the time of year that provokes certain ways of thinking. Suggestions for things I could do.

I’ve a feeling that more specific possibilities are more likely to acted on than very vague things like let’s post more stuff on blog. In the last couple of posts I’ve mentioned two such ideas:
Writing a little something for someone|
Commenting on things I’ve read.

The post, Joy, was both; a little something for India inspired by having read her column. I turned the page and came across Josh Glancy talking about the need for a moral code. And there’s food for thought there but maybe for another time.

Just now I want to write a little something for someone called Kathleen. I’ve no idea who she is; maybe she’s a fictitious character. Or maybe she’s someone you know. Maybe she’s actually reading this!

I don’t know why
Your name came to my mind.
But somewhere in the sky
Or blowing in the wind
Some angel thought
With news of you
Came passing by my way
And though I do not understand
I trust the instinct
And reply
You’re not alone
I heard your cry.

About Rosalie Squires

'Who am I?' is a question whose answer keeps evolving, that can be answered in many, many ways; that has no known answer at all. But there are some clues to be found: stocksharpsquires.wordpress.
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