In a garden

It’s cold and dark
And wet
A winter’s evening
No time for the garden
So I lie in the bath
And dream
And as I laze
Some little imp
– angel or demon, I neither know nor care –
This imp pops by and drops
A missive in my lap
I pluck the scroll
From the lap of my mind
And read
One is nearer God’s heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth
Well? Is it true?
The little imp taunts
So I ponder
The sentiment appeals
I once wanted those words in my garden
In the warmth and the sun
It’s so much easier to know that God is near
I feel like the sunshine brings me closer to God
Yet something tells me
God is everywhere
Fresh air and sunshine
Prepare my heart
For acceptance.

About Rosalie Squires

'Who am I?' is a question whose answer keeps evolving, that can be answered in many, many ways; that has no known answer at all. But there are some clues to be found: stocksharpsquires.wordpress.
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